About Us
Minnesota Orienteering Club (MNOC) is a group of orienteering enthusiasts volunteering their efforts to promote the enjoyment of their favorite sport within Minnesota. The club sponsors many Orienteering Meets throughout the year which are casual and you need no previous experience to participate. You can view the Contacts page for a list of club officers and contact information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who runs your meets?
Volunteers do! And thanks to our volunteers, we are able to offer our events at a very low cost. If you are interested in volunteering, please see our Volunteer page.
How can I contact MNOC?
E-mail is the quickest way to contact us. See our Contact Us page or MNOC Leadership page for contact information.
Are you a non-profit?
Yes. MNOC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to our map fund are always welcome.
Are you a affiliated with any national charters?
MNOC is one of about 80 clubs nationwide that promote orienteering under the auspices of Orienteering USA.