MNOC Meet Results
Event: 2021 OUSA Masters Championships
Date: October 9-10, 2021
Location: Mille Lacs Kathio State Park, Onamia, MN
Beautiful weekend for orienteering! Fall colors were near their peak, and the weather cooperated as well, with the only significant rain during the night. Thank you to everyone who came out to experience the fantastic terrain!
Get the complete results here, view detailed split information at Attackpoint, and upload/compare your tracks on Routegadget (Day 1 and Day 2)
If you'd like a digital copy of your course map, they are available here:
Day 1 - White :: Yellow :: Orange :: BrownX :: BrownY :: GreenX :: GreenY :: RedX :: RedY :: Blue
Day 2 - White :: Yellow :: Orange :: BrownX :: BrownY :: GreenX :: GreenY :: RedX :: RedY :: Blue
And a special thanks to all of our volunteers!
Meet Director: Peter Wentzel
Steering Committee: Owen Baird, Julia Bohnen, Gwen Daniels, John Daniels, Peter Daniels, Ian Harding, Mary Morris, Andrea Schneider, Philip Stromme, Peter Wentzel
Course Designers: Owen Baird, Pete Curtis
Course Consultant: Peter Goodwin
Setters/Vetters: Annelise Baird, Heather Baird, Julia Bohnen, Mike Carlson, Clark Flowers, Ian Harding, Philip Stromme, Peter Wentzel
Volunteer Coordinator: Mary Morris
Park Liaison: Peter Daniels
Web Content: Gwen Daniels
Registrar: Philip Stromme
Registration: Andrea Schneider (Lead), Emily Cronk, Vince Laraia, Carrie Sandgren, Rob Schoch
Starts: John Daniels (Lead), Julia Bohnen, Iris Cattaneo, Laura Cattaneo, Sarah Kiefer, Jim Mullin, Kathi Mullin, Karen Klein, Erin McDowell, Doug Sheely
Finish: Philip Stromme (Lead), Scott Erlandson, Emily Korsch, Tom Lacksonen
Medical: Phil Nicolas, Georgia Nothdurft, John Sandgren
Pre-Runners: Annelise Baird, Heather Baird, Owen Baird, Julia Bohnen, Mike Carlson, Pete Curtis, Clark Flowers, Mary Morris, Peter Wentzel
Rovers/Troubleshooters: Clark Flowers, Mary Morris
Busing Coordination: Kathi Mullin
Food: Brittney Kline, Scott Matti, Luke Novak, Daniel Pieper, Elena Yudovina
Awards: Vince Laraia, Andrea Schneider, Peter Wentzel
Results: Philip Stromme
Routegadget: Valerie Meyer
Control Retrieval: Owen Baird, Justin Bakken, Julia Bohnen, Mike Carlson, Laura Cattaneo, Peter Daniels, Will Daniels, Scott Erlandson, Clark Flowers, Brittney Kline, Emily Korsch, Tom Lacksonen, Mary Morris, Luke Novak, Dan Pieper, Kendra Stritch, Peter Wentzel