MNOC Meet Results
Event: Minnegoat
Date: September 28, 2018
Location: William O'Brien State Park, Marine On St. Croix, MN
We had a nice turnout of people who came to experience the fun terrain (and not-so-fun vegetation) of William O'Brien. It was a bit chilly, but excellent for racing.
Full race results are shown below, and you can view detailed split information at Attackpoint.
If you'd like a digital copy of your map, they are available here: Minnegoat (east map / west map) :: Mini-Goat :: Orange :: Brown :: Red (same as Mini-Goat)
And a special thanks to all of our volunteers!
Course Setter & Vetter: Kendra Stritch / Andrei Karpov
Meet Director: Andrea Schneider
Registration: Philip Stromme, Andrea Schneider
Results: Philip Stromme
Control Retrieval: Owen Baird, Julia Bohnen, Samantha Glowacki, Michael Laraia, Vince Laraia, Carter Stritch, Kendra Stritch, Carrie Wright