MNOC Autumn Adventure Run Series Results
Event: Various Locations
Date: October 19, 26, November 2, 2017
Location: East Twin Cities Metro
Week #1 - Sunfish Lake Park - We had ideal conditions for the first week. It was warm and dry during the day, and started to cool down by race time. Both long and short courses were set with "butterfly loops," so roughly half of the competitors did loop A first, while the other half did loop B first.
Week #2 - Lake Elmo Park Reserve - What a change from last week! Today was cold and windy, with drizzle throughout the race. The post-race social was a welcome opportunity to warm up.
Week #3 - Battle Creek Regional Park, West - It was a little chilly, but otherwise a beautiful evening for the final race in the series. The course vetter even planned a little fright for competitors (by jumping out in front of them in costume as they came around a building).
Full race results are shown below, and you can view detailed split information at Attackpoint.org: Week #1 :: Week #2 :: Week #3.
You can get a digital copy of your race map here: Week #1: Long :: Short; Week #2: Long :: Short; Week #3: Long :: Short
And a special thanks to all of our volunteers!
Course Setters & Vetters: Kendra Stritch / Ian Harding; Peter Daniels / David Rokhinson; Todd Peterson / Peter Wentzel
Registration / Meet Director: Ian Harding, Andrea Schneider, David Rokhinson, Philip Stromme, Peter Wentzel
Results: Philip Stromme
Control Retrieval:
Week 1: Mike Carlson, Ian Harding, Michael Laraia, Carter Stritch, Kendra Stritch
Week 2: Gwen Daniels, Michael Laraia, Molly Moilanen, Britt Peterson, Carter Stritch, Peter Wentzel, Carrie Wright, Darryl Wright
Week 3: Justin Bakken, Julia Bohnen, Sean Casserly, Samantha Glowacki, Ian Harding, Francis Wood