Nerstrand Big Woods State Park Orienteering Meet
Date: September 16, 2017
Location: Nerstrand BW SP; 9700 170th Street East, Nerstrand, MN
Courses: Regular Courses (Beginner to Advanced).
Start: 12pm (noon) to 1:30pm
When the first settlers arrived in 1854, they discovered an island of woods in the vast oak savanna prairie which now makes up Nerstrand Big Woods State Park. Sugar maple, basswood, oak, hickory, aspen, elm, ash, and ironwood trees shade the land. Over 200 varieties of wildflowers, along with countless varieties of ferns and mushrooms grew in the Big Woods. Nerstrand Big Woods State Park is comprised of two, nearly horizontal, layers: a layer of glacial drift about 150 feet thick overlying a layer of Platteville Limestone. The limestone is visible only where the drift has been eroded away at Hidden Falls and along Prairie Creek.
This is a regular Orienteering Meet with a variety of courses for all skill levels. Choose from beginner (White, Yellow), intermediate (Orange), and Advanced (Brown, Green, and Red) Courses.
To find out more about these courses, see our Event Types page.
Registration/Check-In: 11:30am - 1:20pm
Race Start: 12:00pm - 1:30pm (You can start a course anytime during this start window; Participants are stagger-started every 2 minutes)
Course Closure: 3:30pm
Pre-registered Pricing:*
$11: Adults
$10: Juniors**
Day-Of Pricing:*
$15: Adults
$13: Juniors**
*$3 discount for orienteering club members
**Juniors are 19 years old and under
Take I-35 to State Highway 19 east into Northfield. Go south on State Highway 3, east on State Highway 246, then turn right onto County Road 29. Watch for the Park and O-Meet signs!
Come Clean Leave Clean
The Minnesota Orienteering Club practices a Come Clean Leave Clean policy. This helps us maintain a good relationship with the parks we utilize, sets a good example for other users, and limits the transfer and spread of many of the plants that make our venues less enjoyable.
It takes a handful of volunteers to make each of our events successful. If you would like to learn more about volunteering, please see our Volunteering page. And as a reward, you'll get a free race entry the next Regular event you choose.
Race Results
Race results are usually published within 24 hours of the event. View our Race Results page to see the results.
Race Management
Race Director: TBD
Course design: Jim Mullins/Kathi Mullins/John Daniels
If you have any questions or comments about this event, please feel free to Contact Us.